Contact Us in Australia
Our Philosophy:
You only visit this Planet once so better to see it before you leave !
You are welcome to e-mail or telephone anytime
OFFICE: (61) 7 3205 0380
MOBILE: 0430 595 823
Contact Our Nth American Agent
The many enquiries we have received over the years from our American and Canadian friends leads us to appoint a Continental North American Agent.
We are pleased to anounce that Tony Baker of
Fuso Super Singles North America
represents us and has stock now available.
Tony Baker is in Calgary Canada, a lover of Fuso 4x4 trucks, and you may even call him a 'avid collector'
Tony also offers Bull Bars and suspension packages for Fuso Canters
You can contact Tony as follows:
Phone: 403 760 4996
or directly on the form below
Contact Our Sth African Agent
You can contact them directly at:
Or telephone the team on
087 985 0630
Australian Adventure Vehicles - AAV4x4
221 Leitchs Road
Queensland 4500
(P.O. Box 206 Strathpine 4500 )
Following 12 months of overlanding Sth Africa, Botswana and Namibia and north to Cairo, I realise just how usefull Super Single wheels are for travel in these countries.
This adventure lead me to the great team at
who now represent us in these countries for our 17x9" Iveco, and Isuzu Super Single wheels.
MotorHome World is in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Windhoek/Namibia
Japan 4x4
Dave Stedman (English) (Japanese)
Contact Our Japan Agent
Knowledge gained through experience is far superior and many times more useful than bookish knowledge. Mahatma Gandhi